Applications Closed: Emu & Rook

Emu: Male , Rook: Female | ~3 months | Emu: DSH, Rook: DMH | Emu: Brown marble tabby w/ white paws, Rook: Black

- People-friendly? Yes.

- Child-friendly? With supervision.

- Socialized with other animals? Cats.

- Litter-trained? Yes.

- Fixed? Yes.

- Purrsonalities in a few words?

“Emu is a great all-around kitten. He is playful and full of joy, with just a bit of mischief. He loves to be held and pet, but also loves to play! He is brave and curious, and he should adjust well to his new family.”

– Britta, Emu’s foster mom

“Rook is all personality.  She has connected with me since almost the very beginning. As a tiny, three-week old, she liked to sit on my foot and stare up at me lovingly. Now, every time I come into the room, Rook hops up to the same spot on the bed and stares lovingly, waiting to be greeted. She is a loving and confident kitten.”

– Britta, Rook’s foster mom

- Any known medical conditions? No.

Emu Rook, Adoptable Cat, Niagara

*** Please note that we are NOT accepting applications for the cats listed as Coming Soon. These cats have either yet to arrive or have only just recently arrived. Once their foster families get to know them a little better, a detailed bio outlining their personality and describing their ideal home will be posted and we will then begin accepting applications for them. ***

Good day to you, animal lover! I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Emu, and I’m looking for an amazing family to love me and my sister, Rook.

My foster mom says I am an all-around award-winning family kitten, and I’m going to be a great cat! I like to play with soft toys, play soccer with ping pong balls, and chase string toys. I also love to snuggle, purr and be scratched on the cheek. I’m not shy or scared, and I should feel right at home with you in no time.  

My sister, Rook, is very self-assured. She likes to play alone or with our brothers - including me - and she does not shy away from a bit of rough and tumble wrestling, even with the strongest boys in the litter. She is super affectionate, too.

Do you want to experience the purrfect balance of playfulness and affection? If so, please feel free to apply below.


Adoption Fee | $ 298 (Pair)

The feline adoption fees help cover the costs associated with rescuing, such as vetting, food, kitty litter and other expenses.

Prior to adoption, cats are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, dewormed and given flea treatment. In short, they receive any necessary treatment. 

For more information about adoption fees, please review our Adoption FAQs & Fees page. alternatively, you can email us and communicate with our Adoption Coordinator:

Why We Love Fostering

  • There is a special joy in seeing the transformation from fear to trust in a foster cat’s face and posture, the first time they relax and warm up to me. There is so much comedy in a litter of crazy kittens, rollicking and tumbling, learning how to be big cats. Each foster kitty has been cared for as if they were my own, and I enjoy the confidence in the feeling that they are ready for their forever home. That is the biggest difference between choosing to adopt from a small rescue rather than a shelter, and why I love volunteering. People often ask me how I can be so strong to let such sweet kitties go to adoption, but the feeling that I have space to help another is worth the emotional goodbye. Penny is the twenty-first cat I have helped, and I am not going to stop anytime soon! Fostering for Pets Alive is by far the most rewarding volunteering I have ever done.
    - Britta

Why We Love Fostering

  • I love fostering because it's a great feeling knowing that I am helping dogs find their forever homes. Knowing that they are coming from shelters where they may never be seen, and helping them get adjusted to a home in Canada is an amazing feeling. Since I travel a lot, fostering allows me to get my doggie cuddles and nature hikes without the stress of owning one.
    - Lauren

Interested in Adopting Emu and Rook? Apply Below.

Incomplete applications cannot be accepted. Pets Alive Niagara reserves the right to reject any application and reserves the sole right in determining the best placement for our animals.


Personal Information


If you rent, please fill the information below so we can contact your Landlord.


Please provide 1 NON-FAMILY reference (spouses or partners cannot be used) you have known for at least 2 years who know you as a pet owner or who can vouch for your overall responsibility as well as your veterinarian’s contact information:

Please advise your veterinarian and reference we will be contacting them.
By submitting this application, the applicant and co-applicant(s) certify that the information given is true, and you understand that Pets Alive Niagara reserves the right to deny your application for any reason at any time. You further authorize the investigation of all statements in this application.

We want to thank everyone who applied to adopt!  We have closed this application, but we do have other great pets looking for a forever home, click here to meet them!